Addicts Anonymous
Three contestants attend a meeting run by the
fourth, for their strange addiction.
A contestant advertises an audience-suggested product in
the style of some music that is played in.
African Chant
A contestant sings about an audience member's job, with the others accompanying the chants.
Contestants act a scene with each sentence starting with successive letters of the alphabet.
90 Second Alphabet - as above but with a time limit.
The contestants act out a soap opera, but as animals (e.g. hamsters, dinosaurs)
One contestant auditions the others for roles in a play, giving them songs or acts to perform.
Audition Piece
Contestants present the World's Worst auditions for a role (name
used in radio series).
The contestants improvise a story given the title, in the style of their chosen author.
Backwards scene
Two contestants act out a scene starting with a last line and working backwards to the beginning.
Bad Applicants
Contestants present the World's Worst applicants for a job (name
used in radio series).
Ballad Of...
Two contestants sing a ballad about an audience member.
Bartender (Bar Scene, Bar)
Contestants sing their troubles to a bartender, who sings back some advice.
Book Writer
One contestant interviews another, the author of a book on a chosen
Change Of Company
Contestants act out a story, changing into various types
of casts (occupations, nationalities etc.)
Changing Emotions/Room
Contestants act a scene, displaying the emotion associated
with whichever prop(s) they are holding.
Charity Anthem
Two contestants are famous singers performing an anthem on a topic with the other two introducing.
Two contestants improvise a scene changing
into various famous couples suggested by the audience.
Courtroom Scene
Contestants play the judge, prosecution, and various witnesses (using props) trying to solve
a court case.
Credit Reading
The "winners" (or Drew's choice of players) read out the credits in a given style/impression/scene.
Dating Service
Contestants act out short dating service videos using hats &
masks (see also "Hats").
Daytime Talk Show
The contestants act out a talk
show with one as host, two guests and one audience member.
Dead Bodies (Fainting Bodies)
One contestant in
a play must move, and speak for, two dead bodies and a third who enters and dies.
Variation: An audience member
is sometimes used as one of the dead bodies.
Two contestants perform a scene directed
by a third, the director, based on audience suggestions.
Two contestants sing a duet on a given topic (see also some "Song Styles").
Emotion Option
During a scene contestants switch into the emotions suggested by the audience.
Every Other Line
One contestant reads from a play, while the other acts a scene and tries to reach a given
end line.
One contestant is an "expert" on an obscure
topic, interviewed by another contestant.
Expert Translation
A contestant translates as another explains an aspect of a foreign country in that language.
Fashion Models
Contestants commentate on the others acting as models at a fashion
Film and Theatre Styles (Film, Theater and TV Styles)
Two contestants are given a scene
and then various film/theater/TV styles to act it out in.
Film Dub(bing)
Contestants must improvise a new soundtrack for a piece of film on a given topic.
Film Review
One contestant reviews a film, acted out by the other three.
Film Trailer
One contestant narrates a film trailer which is performed by the other three.
Fixed Expressions
The contestants act out a scene while maintaining a given
expression (happy, constipated, etc.)
Foreign Film Dub
2 contestants act a film in the given language, with the others translating.
Contestants speak at the funeral of a person with a strange quirk, usually singing a unison
Game Show
A host and three contestants act out a game show with the show name
taken from the audience.
Gangsta Rap
A two person "Song Styles"-type game about a particular occupation.
Genre Option
See "Film & Theatre Styles". (name used on radio and in the
The contestants each sing a verse of a gospel song on a given topic.
(The) Great Debate
Contestants debate a given topic, each playing a particular
type of person (occupation etc).
Greatest Hits
Two contestants advertise a Greatest Hits album, naming songs performed by another (or 2).
Green Screen
See "News Flash".
Hands Through/Helping Hands
Two contestants act out a scene but one has his
hands provided by a third contestant.
Contestants give "World's Worst" examples (dating agency video, audition)
using weird hats.
Here He Is Now
Two contestants discuss quirks of the other two contestants,
which they must show when they enter.
Hey you down there
One contestant narrates a public information video whilst others act it out.
The contestants each sing a verse of a hoedown song on a given topic.
Home Shopping
Two contestants perform a home shopping programme selling useless items.
If You Know What I Mean
Contestants perform a scene speaking in (or inventing)
Improbable Mission
See "Mission: Impossible"
Two contestants interrogate another about a bizarre crime suggested
by the audience.
A contestant interviews fictional/historical character in the style
of a given magazine/TV show.
Irish Drinking Song
Contestants each sing single lines in an Irish Drinking
Song on a given topic.
Let's Make A Date
A contestant is on a dating program and must ask questions
and guess the quirk for each date.
Letter Changes
Two contestants act out a scene, but must each replace one particular letter with another.
Living Scenery
Two contestants act a scene using the others (or audience/guests)
as any required props.
The contestants each sing a verse of a march on a given topic.
Millionaire Show
Contestants are host, contestant, audience and phone friends
in a styled Millionaire game show.
Mission: Impossible (or Mission Improbable)
Contestants perform a scene Mission:Impossible style, with one providing the tape message.
Motown Group
Three contestants each sing one verse of a song on a given topic,
the others backing them up.
Moving People
Two contestants act out a given scene, but they can only move
when moved by two audience members.
Musical (American Musical)
The contestants perform a musical based on the life of an audience member.
Multiple Personalities
Contestants during a scene become a particular character
when holding a certain prop.
Musical Film Review
Clive reads a movie summary from a guide, a contestant reviews the film which the others perform.
Musical Producers
Two producers discuss a musical on a given topic, which is acted out by the other two.
Narrate (for each other)/Film Noire
Two contestants perform a scene, narrating their thoughts on the other's actions.
News Flash
Two 'hosts' question a field reporter in front of a green screen
who must work out where he is.
News Report
A host, expert, reporter and interviewee cover a news report on a children's/biblical story.
Number of words
The four contestants are given a scene, but each can only speak
a fixed number of words at a time.
Old Job/New Job (or vice versa)
One (or more) contestants must incorporate aspects of a previous job into
their current one.
Opera (Rock Opera)
The contestants perform an opera based on the life of an audience member.
Party Quirks
The party host must guess the strange quirks assigned to each party guest.
Using props (wigs, hats, etc), contestants become panel members discussing
a topic with Clive as host.
Party Pieces
Used in radio series for other games (couples, home shopping)
catering to specific pairings.
Two or more contestants put their heads through holes cut from a picture
and act out a scene.
Press Conference
A contestant must work out their achievement from the questions asked at a press conference
they give.
Prison Visitor (Prison Scene, Prison Cell)
The prison visitor has problems of prisoners sung to them, and sings back replies.
Each of two pairs of contestants gets a prop for which the contestants
must find uses.
Contestants sing their troubles to a psychiatrist, who sings solutions back.
Questionable Impressions
See "Questions Only", but contestants must maintain
a different impression each time they enter.
Questions Only
Only questions may be used in a scene. Contestants may swap when one makes a mistake.
Quick Change
Two contestants act a scene but when a third shouts "Change" they
must alter the line they have just said.
Quiz Show
One contestant is the host of a bizarre quiz show, the others are
the contestants.
The contestants each sing a verse of a rap song on a given topic.
Remember That Song?
During a scene, characters recall each others' past songs which they must perform.
Remote Control
The contestants are given a show, and must discuss and audience-chosen topic in that show's
A reunion is enacted for people of a certain occupation, concluding
with a song.
Scene to Music
Contestants act out a scene in the mood/style suggested by music
which is played in.
Scene to Rap
The contestants perform a scene by rapping.
Scene With Audience Member
Contestants perform a scene with an audience member
reading lines from a card.
Scenes Cut From A Movie
The contestants invent scenes that never made it into
audience-suggested movies.
Scenes from a Hat
Clive pulls audience suggestions for scenes out of a hat, which the contestants step forward
and perform.
Scene with a Prop
Contestants are given a prop and must develop a scene using
Given a scene and secret's location, two contestants act the scene during which the secret
is revealed.
Soap Opera
The contestants perform the start and end scenes of a soap opera
set in a location given by the audience.
Song Styles
A contestant is given a topic and a style of song to perform.
Song Titles
The contestants act out a scene speaking only in song titles.
Variation: Contestants
swap over (as in Questions Only) if they mess up.
Sound Effects (i)
One contestant acts out a scene whilst another provides the
sound effects. Variation: Two contestants act whilst audience members provide the effects.
Sound Effects
The contestants act out a scene and have to incorporate sound effects which are played in.
Sports Commentators/Sportscasters
Two contestants act out an activity in slow motion, while the other two commentate.
Stand, sit, lie (down)/bend
At all times in a scene, one contestant must be
standing, one sitting, one lying down/bending.
One contestant narrates a story with the others acting it out.
The audience gives a title and moral.
Strange Bedfellows
Contestants act out a scene,
each given a particular character they must perform.
A contestant is given a worldwide problem, and superhero name. He names the others as they
join him.
Survivor Show
Contestants are appearing in a certain 'Survivor' show, stuck
in a strange location.
The audience chooses initial positions of 2 contestants. They start a scene
based on those positions, when another contestant shouts "freeze", they swap places and start a new scene from the current
Two contestants host a telethon, the others sing the 'help-a-song' as various celebrities.
That'll Be Charlie Now
One contestant is Charlie, the other 3 discuss his many
quirks which he must show when he enters.
Theme Restaurant
Two contestants visit a restaurant with a chosen theme, with
the others as waiter and host.
This is the Story of Your Life
The contestants are host, guest and acquaintances
on a "This is Your Life" show.
Three-Headed Broadway Star
Given a style and title, three contestants sing a broadway song, alternating words.
Three of A Kind
Similar to Old Job, New Job. Three contestants in a scene must
involve an occupation they used to share.
Two Characters
Two contestants act out a given scene
as two characters (e.g. Capt. Kirk and Mr Spock).
Video Players
Three contestants act scenes from a chosen movie, another fast forwards, rewinds, etc.
Weird Newscasters
A news anchor has a co-anchor, sports/finance reporter and
weather/traffic reporter with strange quirks.
What Are You Trying To Say?
Two contestants converse, but are paranoid about
the implications of everything the other says.
Whose Line
Two contestants act out a scene, incorporating audience-suggested lines on pieces of paper
given to them.
World's Worst
The contestants, on the "World's Worst step", perform examples of the World's Worst of a given
Wrong Theme Tune
Contestants improvise a TV show in the style of another TV
show whose theme is played in.