
Season #1 episodes:
11.01 ("103")First Broadcast: August 5, 1998 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Greg questions. Wayne - old blues player, Colin
- excitable dog, Ryan - auctioneer.
- Sound Effects: An ambulance driver on his first ever emergency call. Colin acts,
Ryan SFX.
- Hats: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Accounting - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - in a slow-motion fight scene, Colin
- accident-prone circus performer, Ryan - foal being born.
Winner: Wayne
Brady. Game: Foreign Film Dub: "Banished on the Breezes" in Farsi. Wayne & Drew act,
Ryan & Greg translate, Colin hosts.
11.02 ("104")First Broadcast: August 12, 1998 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Brad questions. Wayne - charismatic politician running
for governor, Colin - thinks Brad is absolutely repulsive, Ryan - astronaut with an alien inside him.
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Colin suspects his rival, Ryan of cheating
in a fly-fishing competition. Western Movie, Disaster, Porno.
- Duet: Alicia the student of music. Brad & Wayne (Swing, Dean Martin/Sammy Davis Jr.).
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chuck Surloin". Colin (co-anchor) -
kid showing off in class, Wayne (sports presenter "Frank Clamchowder) - teenager who can't believe he's being dumped,
Ryan (weatherman "Al Nino") - getting younger and younger.
- Moving People: Colin an outlaw robbing Ryan's stagecoach.
- Scene to Rap: Summer Camp.
Winner: Ryan Stiles. Game:
90 Second Alphabet: Drew in a restaurant, complaining to a temperamental waiter (Ryan), starting
with 'G'. Brad hosts.
11.03 ("106")First Broadcast: August 19, 1998 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Greg questions. Wayne - the greatest lover in France,
Colin - going through all the stages of getting drunk, Ryan - pig farmer from Arkansas.
- Scene to Rap: Hospital.
- Hats: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - can no longer hide
his love for the anchorman, Wayne (sports presenter) - James Brown, Ryan (weatherman) - the anchor's angry neighbour.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Bus Drivers - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Greg Proops. Game: Newscasters: King Kong.
Ryan & Greg anchor, Drew reports. Colin hosts?
11.04 ("101")First Broadcast: August 26, 1998 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - a bad stand-up comic,
Wayne (sports presenter) - talking through a stadium PA system, Ryan (weatherman) - stockbroker watching all
his life savings disappear.
- Duet: Peyton the actress. Brad & Wayne (Doo-wop).
- Animals: Ryan having an affair with his secretary, Colin, and is surprised
by his wife, Brad. All chimpanzees.
- Props: Ryan & Brad - black styrofoam shark fins, Colin & Wayne
- red squid-like item.
- Moving People: Ryan Dracula, Colin come to kill him.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Wayne - entire history of 20th century dance
in 30 seconds, Colin - skiier who keeps skiing into things, Ryan - deer on the first day of hunting season.
- Scene to Rap: Park.
Winner: Colin Mochrie Game:
Foreign Film Dub: "Gesundheit" in Chinese. Colin & Drew act, Brad & Ryan translate, Wayne
11.05 ("105")First Broadcast: September 2, 1998 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Karen Maruyama, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Karen questions. Brad - an Amish guy, Colin
- someone in a dentist's chair, Ryan - gradually turning into a parrot.
- Song Styles: Niroshi the political science & economics student. Brad (rock love ballad).
- Daytime Talk Show: Alice in Wonderland on "Alice Doesn't Live Here Any More". Brad
- host, Ryan - Lyle Moon (of Lyle's Glassware, sold Alice the mirror), Karen - Lilly Hai (owner of Alice's building),
Colin - audience member an effeminate man (angry about them ruining Alice's life).
- Props: Colin & Ryan - wavy furry brown mats, Brad & Karen - circles
on poles (lollipops).
- Film Dub: "One day in the West" - Ryan, Karen & Colin.
- Sportscasters: rival waiters. Brad & Karen commentate, Ryan & Colin
- Hoedown: Tourists & Kids At A Movie Theater.
Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles. Game: Stand, Sit, Bend: Colin, Ryan & Drew at a
showdown in a Wild West saloon. Brad hosts.
11.06 ("102")First Broadcast: September 9, 1998 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Kathy Kinney, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Kathy questions. Brad - stressed-out hairdresser, Colin
- giving birth, Ryan - loudmouthed sports fan in the bleachers.
- Sound Effects: The Lone Ranger finds out that outlaws have hijacked a speeding train.
Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Daytime Talk Show: The Three Little Pigs on "Swine Talk". Brad - host "Carl Trichinosis",
Ryan - Thomas Guide (runs neighbourhood watch in the area), Kathy - Prudence Pig (mother of 2 children lost
when the houses fell down), Colin - audience member the Medium Slightly Ticked Off Wolf (Big Bad Wolf's brother).
- Props: Ryan & Kathy - T-shaped nerf tube, Colin & Brad - pink
fabric-covered hoops.
- Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) a lovesick Italian pizza maker, with
- Hoedown: Getting your pizza late.
Winner: Ryan Stiles Game:
90 Second Alphabet: Ryan Zorro, who finally catches up with the villain (Drew), starting with
'Q'. Brad hosts.
11.07 ("107")First Broadcast: September 23, 1998 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Daytime Talk Show: Hansel and Gretel. Greg - host "Proop Doggy Dogg", Ryan
- Jimmy Buffalo (of Jimmy Buffalo's Chocolate Factory, unpaid for working on the house), Colin - the witch, Wayne
- audience members a guy hyper on sugar from the house, and a representative from the child welfare board.
- Song Styles: Mae the Baker. Wayne (love song from a movie soundtrack).
- Moving People: Colin a motorcycle cop stopping Ryan, a suspicious looking
- Props: Colin & Greg - yellow foam double-scythes, Wayne & Ryan
- grey stacked rings.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - cartoon character in love, Colin
- "Gone With The Wind" in 30 seconds, Ryan - salesman desperate to hide the fact he's a chimp.
- Hoedown: Commercials.
Winner: Wayne Brady Game:
Foreign Film Dub: "The Amazing Tricycle Adventure" in Ancient Egyptian. Drew & Wayne act, Ryan
& Greg translate. Colin hosts.
11.08 ("111")First Broadcast: October 17, 1998 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Denny questions. Wayne - amorous Italian opera singer,
Colin - gradually turning into a pig, Ryan - gets an electric shock every time he has an impure thought.
- Song Styles: Tricia the swimming lesson teacher. Wayne (Louis Armstrong).
- Props: Ryan & Denny - base with grey tubes sticking out, Wayne & Colin
- red foam disks with spikes on one side.
- Party Quirks: Denny hosts. Wayne - pinball in a machine, Colin
- chicken with its head cut off, Ryan - the films of Alfred Hitchcock.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Butcher - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie Game: Helping Hands: Ryan
(Colin's hands), who is aiming for a promotion, has invited his boss, Drew, over to impress him with his barbecue.
Wayne hosts.
11.09 ("108")First Broadcast: December 16, 1998 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Frizzy hair. Greg - Fruit and Vegetable Man, Ryan - Ice Hockey
Kid, Colin - Irate Film Director Boy, Wayne - Playful Licking Puppy Boy.
- Song Styles: Jennifer the English Literature student. Wayne (Luther Vandross).
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Wolverine Saint Jack John". Greg (co-anchor
"Twice Nightly") - a gremlin, Wayne (sportscaster) - an overly emotional preacher at a funeral, Ryan (weatherman
"Jakes Mackenzie") - being attacked by increasingly ferocious animals.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Lifeguard - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - aging rapidly, Colin - the many
roles of Charlton Heston, Ryan - eagle struggling to pick up heavy things.
Greg Proops Game: Questions Only: A tourist hotel is about to turn into the towering inferno
- Drew, Wayne, Colin & Ryan. Greg hosts.
11.10 ("117")First Broadcast: January 6, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: In a daytime soap opera.
- Song Styles: Sheila the I.N.S. Attorney. Wayne (Gospel).
- Newsflash: teen beach party. Ryan & Denny anchor, Colin reports.
- Sound Effects: An eastern European Olympic gymnast who neesd a perfect 10 on all his
routines. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor "Fifi Leadbottom". Colin (co-anchor
"Ripley Back") - Denny has been spreading rumours about a disastrous date with him, Wayne (sportscaster "Ripley Arm")
- caught in the middle of a busy freeway, Ryan (weatherman "Just Ripley") - Frankenstein's monster looking for a mate.
- Scene to Rap: Earthquake.
Winner: Denny Siegel Game:
Hoedown: Blind Dates - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Denny hosts.
11.11 ("113")First Broadcast: January 13, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Greg - President Clinton, Colin
- Gradually being eaten by soldier ants, Ryan - a masochist.
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Greg a farmer who comes to complain to Ryan,
a neighbouring farmer, about some giant killer bees coming from his barn.
- Dating Service Video: Ryan & Colin, Greg & Wayne.
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Burn Nightly". Greg (co-anchor) - Captain
Kirk, Wayne (sportscaster) - on a videotape that's speeding up and slowing down, Ryan (weatherman "Skippy Bartholomew")
- an excited rock star in front of a big crowd.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Postal Worker - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie Game: Helping Hands: Ryan
(Colin's hands) is a pet care guru teaching Drew to look after his dog. Greg hosts.
11.12 ("119")First Broadcast: January 20, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - game show prize announcer,
Colin - the world's biggest glutton, Ryan - talking chicken having trouble laying an egg.
- Duet: Dana the dental hygienist. Brad & Wayne (60s R&B).
- Newsflash: Japanese Macaques playing in the snow. Ryan & Brad anchor, Colin
- Film, Theater & TV Styles: Wayne the birdman of Alcatraz, Ryan the
prison warden who's come to his cell to tell him to get rid of his many birds. Western, Shakespeare, Sumo Wrestling.
- Telethon: NBA Players - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winner: Wayne Brady Game: Hoedown: Going Bald - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts.
11.13 ("120")First Broadcast: January 27, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: Trouble breaks out in a Wild West saloon.
- Song Styles: Marie the Step-aerobicizer. Wayne (Prince).
- Dead Bodies: A deleted scene from The Graduate, Mrs. Robinson (audience member Mary)
is seducing Benjamin (Ryan) when her daughter (Denny - enters and dies) comes in. Colin moves.
- Sound Effects: A hairdresser on a busy day and all his colleagues have phoned in sick.
Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor "Ling Ling". Colin (co-anchor "Rusty
Nail") - acting out scenes from a soap opera, Wayne (sportscaster "Rusty Bumper") - a middle aged woman who's proud
of her body, Ryan (weatherman "Rusty Can") - Tarzan sensing that his woman is in danger.
- Hoedown: Birth.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie Game:
Stand, Sit, Bend: Two Cleveland Indians fans (Drew & Ryan) have turned up at the big game to
find that Colin, a rival fan, is sitting in Ryan's seat. Wayne hosts.
11.14 ("114")First Broadcast: February 3, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Ian Gomez, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Ian questions. Brad - Latin American soccer announcer,
Colin - turning into the Incredible Hulk, Ryan - Ian's teenage daughter having a tantrum.
- Moving People: A honeymoon wedding night starts off great but then goes horribly wrong
when an earthquake hits - Ryan & Colin.
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester Flatbottom". Colin (co-anchor
"Lazlo Turkeybaster") - only has a 5-second memory, Ian (sportscaster "Damian Hardpank") - Ricky Ricardo at his wits'
end, Ryan (weatherman "Chlorophyll Lettucecrisper") - the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Ant Farmer - Ryan & Colin introduce, Brad sings.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Ian - gangster being riddled with bullets, Colin
- bad-tempered sperm trying to find its egg, Ryan - bloodhound trained to sniff out complete idiots.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie Game: Helping Hands: Ryan
(Colin's hands) is a flamboyant cocktail waiter showing off his skills to a female customer (Drew). Brad
11.15 ("118")First Broadcast: February 10, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor. Greg (co-anchor) - a James Bond villain,
Wayne (sportscaster) - spots his girlfriend with another man in the audience, Ryan (weatherman) - a psycho with
a chainsaw.
- Song Styles: Carlyle the Fashion Designer. Wayne (Cab Calloway).
- Dating Service: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
- Sportscasters: plumbers. Greg & Wayne commentate, Ryan & Colin
- Film Dub: Two suitors asking the father for his daughter's hand in marriage - Ryan,
Greg & Colin.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Mechanic - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne
Winner: Wayne Brady Game: Hoedown: Surgery
- Greg, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts.
11.16 ("121")First Broadcast: February 17, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Bad wallpaper. Brad - Body and Paint Man, Ryan - Just Back
From The Dentist After Invasive Root Canal Surgery Man, Colin - The Exhibitionist Kid, Wayne - Captain Breakdance.
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Harry Hindquarters". Colin (co-anchor
"Chester Buttocks") - in a confessional, Wayne (sportscaster "David Derriere") - underwater, Ryan (weatherman
"Garrison Tush") - a lost toddler looking for his mommy.
- Scenes From a Hat: playing too hard with the puppy, if Carol Channing were president,
German pick-up lines, least likely person to appear on a stamp, famous last words, if dogs could talk, least popular college
courses, unlikely Olympic events, people who shouldn't rap.
- Props: Colin & Ryan - (?), Brad & Wayne - (?).
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Exterminator - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne
& Brad sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles Game:
Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a clown trying to entertain birthday boy Drew. Brad(?)
11.17 ("116")First Broadcast: February 24, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Stephen Colbert, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Stephen - anchor "Louis Dangle". Colin (co-anchor "Bill
Rudford") - a mother doing baby talk to Stephen, Wayne (sportscaster "Skip Tothelou") - Bill Cosby, Ryan (weatherman
"Storm Search") - in love with the camera.
- Scene to Rap: Avalanche.
- Moving People: Two Navy Seals at the beach, about to embark on a mission to blow up
an enemy boat - Ryan & Colin.
- Props: Ryan & Stephen - grey circle with 'handle', Colin & Wayne
- poles with shiny strips.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Pro Bowler - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
- Party Quirks: Stephen hosts. Wayne - world's longest touchdown celebration,
Colin - lobster trying to talk his way out of being cooked, Ryan - footage of crash-test dummies.
Winner: Stephen Colbert Game: Hoedown: Television - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Stephen hosts.
11.18 ("115")First Broadcast: March 10, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: At a singles' bar, right before closing.
- Song Styles: Dennis the Engineer. Wayne (60s girl group).
- Newsflash: People dressed as Santa playing around. Ryan & Denny anchor, Colin
- Hey You Down There: Camping in the Wild. Denny narrates, Colin & Ryan
- Party Quirks: Denny hosts. Wayne - succession of teenage girls at a slumber
party, Colin - the Summer Olympics in 30 seconds, Ryan - running giraffe that gets shot with a tranquilizer
- Scene to Rap: Tsunami.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles Game:
Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a temperamental pastry chef who is trying to create a masterpiece
for the demanding owner of his restaurant (Drew). Wayne hosts.
11.19 ("110")First Broadcast: March 17, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester(field) SnapdragonMcFisticuff". Colin
(co-anchor "Blanched") - too emotionally attached to the stories, Wayne (sportscaster "Sparky") - Don King, Ryan
(weatherman "Jiff Jiffyson") - an astronaut walking in space when things start going wrong.
- Duet: Sara the IT consultant. Brad & Wayne (disco ballad).
- Sound Effects: Colin's wedding night, on the Titanic. Ryan SFX.
- Props: Brad & Ryan - black juggling-club shapes, Colin & Wayne
- grey foam D on a brown pole.
- Narrate: In a pizza place - Ryan & Colin.
- Telethon: Thumbsuckers - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles Game: Stand, Sit, Bend: Drew
and his wife Colin are farmers who have called around a vet, Ryan, because they are worried about their prize
cow. Wayne hosts.
11.20 ("109")First Broadcast: March 24, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor "Shallow Butauthoritative". Colin (co-anchor)
- auditioning for roles in a horror movie, Denny (sportscaster) - catskills comedian, Ryan (weatherman) - keeps
carelessly throwing away lit cigarettes.
- Multiple Personalities: Having a problem while out hunting - Greg, Colin & Ryan.
Flashlight - Liberace, Axe - Jimmy Stewart, Rifle - Scooby Doo.
- Fashion Models: wrestler models. Greg & Denny commentate, Ryan & Colin
- World's Worst: person to be President of the US.
- Props: Ryan & Denny - large round sack, Greg & Colin - inflatable
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Denny - Greg's Jewish mother laying on the guilt,
Colin - likes putting his hands into other people's pockets, Ryan - sea life being sucked into a propeller.
- Hoedown: The IRS.
Winner: Greg Proops & Ryan Stiles Game:
90 Second Alphabet: Ryan has annoyed roommates Greg & Drew so much that they want to throw
him out. Colin hosts.
Season 2 Episodes
12.01 ("209")First Broadcast: September 16, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Chip questions. Wayne - characters from 'South
Park', Colin - in a medieval dungeon being tortured for information, Ryan - vulture looking for the ultimate
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "Timber" from "Lumberjacks in Love" - Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
- Props: Ryan & Chip - oversized yellow shuttlecocks, Colin &
Wayne - pink capsule shapes on sticks.
- Stand, Sit, Lie: Wayne has talked her boyfriend, Colin into coming
into Ryan's tattoo parlor (or 'three campers are preparing for bed in the woods on the night of the full moon...')
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Dentist - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Chip sing.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: Hoedown: Car Salesmen - Chip, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Colin as
an angry school bus driver.
12.02 ("205")First Broadcast: September 23, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Clyde Strudelpants". Colin (co-anchor
"Desmond Pennybone III") - a 1920s gangster under fire in a getaway car, Wayne (sports presenter "Hardwood Paneling")
- in love with the camera operator, Ryan (weatherman "Harry Showerdrain") - trying to keep a leaking dam from bursting.
- Duet: Michelle the Writer/Mom. Brad & Wayne (Gipsy Kings).
- Newsflash: sharks underwater. Brad & Ryan anchor, Colin reports.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Wayne - on a tape that's being fast-forwarded
and rewound, Colin - cruise ship steward in a bad storm, Ryan - hyperactive lap dog looking for a lap.
- Scenes From a Hat: Rejected theme songs from the movie "Titanic", Presidential
slogans that will not get you elected, losing science fair projects, celebrity endorsements doomed to fail, drill sergeant
pick-up lines.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game:
Hoedown: Drinking - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Brad & Ryan
as deep south hog callers calling in their pigs.
12.03 ("206")First Broadcast: September 30, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Jackson Goodreader". Greg (co-anchor)
- a heckler, Wayne (sports presenter "Reginald Reginald Rejole/Reginal") - precocious multitalented child star, Ryan
(weatherman) - angry NBA player about to get ejected.
- African Chant: Pat the sprinkler guy. Wayne sings, Greg, Colin & Ryan sing backing.
- Scenes From a Hat: State mottos rejected for license plates, what God created
on an off day, bad things to hear from a doctor who's operating on you, President Clinton's things-to-do list.
- Change Emotions: Big game hunters lost in the jungle - Greg, Ryan & Colin.
Canteen - lust, jungle knife - fury.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Exterminator - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winner: Greg Proops. Game: Hoedown: The Village People - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Greg hosts. Credits: Ryan &
Greg as two frat boys spending spring break at a crowded beach.
12.04 ("201")First Broadcast: October 7, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Greg - an exorcist, Colin
- rabid Canadian ice hockey player, Ryan - strip club bouncer.
- Film Dub: "One day in the saloon" - Ryan, Greg & Colin.
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "Flea Dip" from "Bob" - Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Greg are two archaeologists,
about to open the tomb of the cursed Mummy, Colin. High school drama, Bergman Film, After-school Special, The Real
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Dog Walker - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: World's Worst:
thing to say at a major awards ceremony - Greg, Drew, Colin & Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits:
Ryan & Greg as two cattle auctioneers.
12.05 ("220")First Broadcast: October 7, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Orland Curtainback". Chip (co-anchor
"Steve Incredible") - in the middle of a broadway musical, Wayne (sports presenter "Flappy") - Drew's no. 1 teenage
fan, Ryan (weatherman "Sunny Skies") - desperate to quell rumors that he's gay.
- Duet: Connie the Receptionist at the doctor's office. Chip & Wayne (Jump & Jive).
- Scenes From a Hat: Baseball umpires at home, ill-advised valentines day gifts,
favorite pranks of nuns, other things the first man on the moon might have said, opening lines to foreign national anthems,
lines you wouldn't hear in a western, rejected Jeopardy categories, people who won't be appearing on currency anytime soon.
- Whose Line: Rhett Butler (Ryan) finally tells Scarlett O'Hara (Colin)
that he's leaving.
- Hoedown: Men.
Chip Esten. Game: Questions Only: Godzilla - Drew, Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
Chip hosts. Credits: Ryan trying to convince Chip that he's not gay.
12.06 ("203")First Broadcast: October 14, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor "Mimi Fatdeposits". Colin (co-anchor)
- desperate for attention, Wayne (sports presenter) - karate black belt fending off attackers, Ryan (weatherman)
- lifeguard who spots a woman drowning.
- Song Styles: Jim the Army Recruiter. Wayne (Tina Turner).
- Scenes From a Hat: Naked photos you wouldn't want to see on the internet, the
number one sitcom in Germany, what the Grim Reaper does to relax, least checked-out library books, inappropriate show-and-tell
items, items you wouldn't expect to see for sale on the home shopping channel, things you'll never hear in a boxing ring,
unlikely first lines of love songs.
- Newsflash: giant lizard attacking a city. Ryan & Denny anchor, Colin
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "Bubbles" from "The Loch Ness Monster (The Musical)" - Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
Winner: Denny Siegel. Game: Hoedown: Gambling - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Denny hosts. Credits: Ryan & Denny
as a couple arguing in a car on the way home with the kids in the back.
12.07 ("202")First Broadcast: October 21, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - monster truck pull announcer,
Colin - the winning contestant on Miss World, Ryan - turning into King Kong.
- Superheroes: Bad hair day. Brad - Prissy Boy (@aol.com), Ryan -
Captain Frisks-A-Lot, Colin - The Bitter Divorce Kid, Wayne - Dirty Dancing Kid.
- Ballad Of: Leonard the Lawyer. Brad & Wayne (country song).
- If You Know What I Mean: Auto race - Brad, Colin & Ryan.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Golf - Ryan & Colin introduce, Brad & Wayne sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles. Game: 90
Second Alphabet: Ryan is excited about the blind date (Colin) that Drew has set him up with...
until she arrives, starting on "J". Wayne hosts. Credits: Wayne & Ryan as two switchboard
12.08 ("212")First Broadcast: October 28, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Josie Lawrence, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Josie questions. Wayne - strict overbearing
schoolmarm, Colin - uptight model on her first erotic photo shoot, Ryan - frat boy showing off to his buddies
in the audience.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Colin and his secretary Josie, hardly
able to keep their hands off each other, arrive at a motel desperate for a room. Ryan is the sinister desk clerk. Soap
Opera, Kung Fu, Evangelist Show, Blair Witch.
- Newsflash: snakes. Ryan & Josie anchor, Colin reports.
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Frankly Dontgiveadamn". Josie
(co-anchor "Minnie Pausal") - characters from Shakespeare, Wayne (sports presenter) - on a treadmill that's going out
of control, Ryan (weatherman "Dwayne Debathtub") - must hit a home run to win the world series.
- Duet: Kenny the Machinist. Wayne & Josie (Punk Rock).
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: Foreign Film
Dub: "The Vodka Express" in Russian. Drew & Josie act, Ryan & Colin translate, Wayne
hosts. Credits: Josie & Wayne as two drunk girls at a party talking about what the boys have said
to them.
12.09 ("221")First Broadcast: November 4, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Song Titles: At an airport.
- Gangsta Rap: Astronaut - Brad & Wayne.
- Scenes From a Hat: Bad choices for pets, dangerous things to do while you are
naked, baby names that will one day get your child's ass kicked, little known facts about our host Drew Carey, things you
wish you hadn't said to the President.
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester Steakknife". Colin (co-anchor
"Carl Turkeybaster") - has chosen this moment to become a nudist, Wayne (sports presenter "Carlos Burritogrande") -
Latin pop heartthrob, Ryan (weatherman "Franklin") - mafia boss whose camera is an assassin.
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "I Love Cheese" from "Gee You Smell Terrific" - Brad, Ryan & Wayne.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: Hoedown: Christmas - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan & Colin
as two guys in a bar about to get in a fight.
12.10 ("204")First Broadcast: November 4, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Out of deodorant. Greg - Armpit Man, Ryan - Fashion
Photographer Kid, Colin - Professor Panic, Wayne - Captain Does-The-Splits-At-Every-Moment-He-Can.
- Song Styles: Delores the Gardener. Wayne (Michael Jackson getting older).
- Newsflash: desert nuclear war. Ryan & Greg anchor, Colin reports.
- Questionable Impressions: in a hospital.
- Dating Service Video:: Colin & Ryan, Wayne & Greg.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Wayne Brady. Game: Three-Headed Broadway Star: "You've Got Sole" from "My Favourite Shoe" - Wayne, Drew & Ryan. Colin 'hosts'. Credits:
Ryan & Wayne as teenage girls at a slumber party.
12.11 ("222")First Broadcast: November 11, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Greg questions. Wayne - temperamental rock star
in his hotel room, Colin - gets turned on by danger, Ryan - ravenous boa constrictor.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Greg are two rival bikers challenging
each other to a game of chicken, racing towards the edge of a cliff. Colin is the anxious girlfriend who doesn't want
them to do it. Japanese monster movie, soap opera, I Love Lucy, Marx Brothers.
- Props: Ryan & Colin - long grey foam Ls, Greg & Wayne -
green foam block with a triangle on one end and a U on the other.
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - a chicken with attitude, Colin
- auditioning for every part in a slasher film, Ryan - excited by ugliness and searching for the perfect specimen.
- Song Styles: Toaster. Wayne (gospel choir).
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: World's Worst: Television Program - Greg,
Drew, Colin & Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Wayne & Colin as screaming fans at a
pop concert.
12.12 ("211")First Broadcast: November 11, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Chip questions. Wayne - female American Gladiator,
Colin - makes animal noises whenever he gets turned on, Ryan - angry farmer looking for [the] person who slept
with his daughter.
- Song Styles: Derek the Diesel Guy. Wayne & Chip (Village People).
- Props: Ryan & Chip - pink water bottles on string, Colin &
Wayne - red circles on sticks.
- Party Quirks: Chip hosts. Wayne - early movie footage of King Kong
vs. Godzilla (feat. Melissa's underwear), Colin - has a personal vendetta against the neighbors downstairs, Ryan
- series of crunching football tackles in slow motion.
- Hoedown: Cop Shows.
Ryan Stiles & Wayne Brady. Game: Three-Headed Broadway Star: "You Know How To Wiggle" from "Worms" - Wayne, Drew & Ryan. Colin 'hosts'. Credits:
Colin as a substitute teacher trying to get an unruly class under control.
12.13 ("223")First Broadcast: November 18, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Josie Lawrence, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: Lingerie section of a department store on Valentine's Day.
- Whose Line: Zorro (Ryan) catches up with the leader of the Mexican guard
- Props: Ryan & Josie - tan antler-shaped foam piecess, Colin &
Wayne - red fabric covered lyre shapes.
- Scenes From a Hat: Odd hijacker demands, rejected themes for restaurants, videotapes
that won't sell out at Blockbuster, interview questions you'd like to hear asked of a Miss America contestant, the wrong thing
to say when she says "I love you", messages delivered a little late.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Chiropractor - Ryan & Colin introduce, Josie & Wayne
Winners: Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie
& Josie Lawrence. Game: Hoedown: Children - Josie, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan & Colin
as two disgruntled football fans in the bleachers.
12.14 ("213")First Broadcast: November 25, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Tight underwear. Brad - Suicide Boy, Ryan - Yodelling
Pogo Stick Man, Colin - Captain Blood Loss, Wayne - Cowboy Stunt Rider.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Colin are two high-strung poodle
owners competing against each other in a national dog show. Cheech & Chong, Richard Simmons, Puppets, Romper Room, Sports
- Props: Ryan & Colin - brown poles joined by strips (ladder), Brad
& Wayne - black springs.
- Motown Group: Do the Toothbrush - Brad, Ryan & Wayne.
- The Millionaire Show: Bedroom/Sex life. Brad - host, Ryan - contestant
("Jim Phillips"), Wayne - audience member (twin brother "Jimmy"), Colin - phone-a-friend (son "Harry").
Winners: Brad Sherwood, Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles. Game:
Hoedown: Family Reunions - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan &
Colin as two baseball umpires throwing players out of the game.
12.15 ("207")First Broadcast: December 2, 1999 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Denny questions. Wayne - outraged grandmother,
Colin - bad stand-up comic fed up with the audience, Ryan - has taken a powerful aphrodisiac by accident.
- Song Styles: Blender. Wayne (The Temptations, with help from the others).
- Narrate: Airport terminal - Ryan & Colin.
- Weird Newscasters: Denny - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - has been
injected with dinosaur DNA, Wayne (sports presenter) - Jerry Lewis, Ryan (weatherman) - cornered criminal looking
to take a hostage.
- Scene to Rap: Brain Surgery.
Denny Siegel. Game: Hoedown: Movie Ushers - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Denny hosts. Credits: Wayne as
an excited host of a Spanish variety show.
12.16 ("224")First Broadcast: December 9, 1999 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Change of Cast: Three prisoners breaking out of Alcatraz (Greg, Colin, Ryan).
Professional wrestlers, Baywatch lifeguards, catalogue models, weightless astronauts, New York cops, game show hosts.
- Song Styles: Maile the Talent Agency secretary. Wayne (Ray Charles).
- Props: Ryan & Colin - large blue unicorn horns, Greg & Wayne
- large potato chip shapes.
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor "Totally Upforit". Colin (co-anchor)
- bitter co-anchor verbalizing his inner thoughts, Wayne (sports presenter "Big Wayne") - getting arrested, Ryan
(weatherman) - sumo wrest ler.
- Moving People: Ryan & Colin are two surfers fighting over a girl,
who have challenged each other to ride the big wave.
- Hoedown: Shoplifting.
Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie. Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Ryan, Drew &
Colin are at the Kentucky Derby and have bet all their money on a race that's about to start, starting on "Q". Wayne
hosts. Credits: Ryan & Greg as a voice-over for a movie trailer.
12.17 ("208")First Broadcast: December 16, 1999 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chuck Flanksteak". Colin (co-anchor
"Harry Lambshanks") - in the Tour de France, Wayne (sports presenter) - about to disturb a beehive, Ryan (weatherman
"Chip Beefontoast") - fighting the inner urge to be a stripper.
- Duet: Dina the Thermostat Marketing Manager. Brad & Wayne (Teen 1950s song).
- Whose Line: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ryan) is training Luke Skywalker (Colin)
to be a Jedi knight.
- Party Quirks: Brad hosts. Wayne - entire halftime show at the Superbowl,
Colin - has found Drew Carey's secret diary, Ryan - the tortoise and the hare racing.
- Scenes From a Hat: Rejected endings for the [blockbuster] movie 'Titanic', personal
messages you'd like to see flying from the back of an airplane, bad songs to sing in prison, inappropriate first date greetings,
what he's thinking while he's kissing you, bad parental motivational speeches.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: Hoedown: Cable Company - Brad, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Wayne as
a general giving a gung-ho pep talk to his troops just before going into battle.
12.18 ("225")First Broadcast: January 6, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Mosquitoes everywhere. Brad - Super Rabbi, Ryan -
Deathly Afraid Of Everything Man, Colin - Captain Cliche, Wayne - Uncoordinated Go-Go Girl.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Colin comes out of his house to find that
Ryan, a truck driver, is dumping nuclear waste in his backyard. Soap Opera, Student Film, Animal Planet, South Park.
- Song Titles: In Las Vegas.
- Sound Effects: An ice hockey star arriving at the stadium for the big game. Colin
acts, Ryan SFX.
- Telethon: Sitcom Stars - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winners: Wayne Brady & Ryan Stiles. Game: Three-Headed Broadway Star: "These Aren't My Hips" from "Stretch Marks" - Wayne, Drew & Ryan. Colin 'hosts'. Credits:
Wayne & Ryan as two football coaches bawling out the players at halftime.
12.19 ("210")First Broadcast: January 13, 2000 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor "Alarmingly Huge". Colin (co-anchor)
- way too open about his personal problems, Wayne (sports presenter) - overzealous woman at a church revival meeting,
Ryan (weatherman) - aggressive barfly being repeatedly ejected from a bar.
- Questionable Impressions: at a bus stop.
- Scenes From a Hat: Disconcerting tattoos to find on your girlfriend, unlikely
cowboy songs, the worst thing to find in your parachute pack, things you shouldn't do after heavy drinking, questions you'd
like to ask a Miss America contestant.
- Whose Line: The night before the crucial battle with the English, William Wallace
(Colin) and his fellow warrior, Ryan realise that they're vastly outnumbered.
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "They Threw It Away" from "Trashmen" - Wayne, Ryan & Colin.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game: Hoedown: Puberty - Greg, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Greg & Wayne
as two guys on a building site (? - cut by Ch. 9).
12.20 ("215")First Broadcast: January 20, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Kathy Greenwood, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: A wedding at a nudist colony.
- Sound Effects: In the wild west, tough new Sheriff Colin, on an urgent mission
to clean up the town, arrives at the saloon. Colin acts, Ryan SFX.
- Props: Ryan & Kathy - foam hand shape, Colin & Wayne -
green anchor shape.
- Newsflash: maggots. Kathy & Ryan anchor, Colin reports.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Attorney - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winners: Everybody but Wayne. Game: Foreign
Film Dub: "Bikini Jones" in Swedish. Drew & Kathy act, Ryan & Colin translate, Wayne
hosts. Credits: Wayne & Kathy as two cheerleaders at a national competition.
12.21 ("226")First Broadcast: February 3, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Dry skin. Colin - Captain Obvious, Ryan - Captain
Hyperactive Moth, Chip - The Jitterbug Boy, Wayne - Thinks Everybody's On Fire Man.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan arrives at his ski lodge a day early,
to discover his wife, Colin in the arms of amorous ski instructor Wayne. Western, Three Stooges, Cooking Show,
South Park.
- Newsflash: people exercising. Chip & Ryan anchor, Colin reports.
- Duet: Tina, on vacation from Canada. Chip & Wayne (Bruce Springsteen).
- Party Quirks: Chip hosts. Wayne - a rescue on "Baywatch", Colin
- trying to incite a mass riot, Ryan - Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.
Winners: Wayne Brady. Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Ryan, the pitcher,
Drew, the catcher, and Colin the manager, are having an argument on the mound at a crucial point at a baseball
game, starting on "E". Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan & Colin as two gangster squealers giving
up names.
12.22 ("227")First Broadcast: February 3, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Kathy Greenwood, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Ollie Oxenfree". Kathy (co-anchor
"Janisa") - Colin's spoiled bad-tempered teenage daughter, Wayne (sports presenter “Brick Bruck”) - having
trouble mastering his jet pack, Ryan (weatherman “Sprinkly Days”) - lifer attempting a daring prison escape.
- Song Styles: Lee the Lunch Lady. Wayne (Strip-o-gram).
- Theme Restaurant: War Zone - business associates Colin & Kathy served
by Ryan & Wayne.
- Narrate: Burger joint - Ryan & Colin.
- Scenes From a Hat: Senior citizen Olympic events, the number one thing that you
shouldn’t lick, alternate endings to famous films, things that can spoil a date, Hillary Clinton’s recurring nightmare,
things you should never ever ever say while making love, the first thing that Adam said to Eve.
Winner: Kathy Greenwood. Game: Hoedown: Halloween - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Kathy hosts. Credits: Kathy & Ryan
as two gossipy manicurists.
12.23 ("216")First Broadcast: February 10, 2000 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor. Colin (co-anchor) - a puritan
convinced Greg is a witch, Wayne (sports presenter) - a knight trying to rescue his damsel in distress, Ryan
(weatherman) - dreams of starring in a Busby Berkeley musical.
- African Chant: Chris the Visual Effects designer. Wayne sings, Greg, Colin & Ryan sing
- Scenes From a Hat: Public Service announcements you’ll never see, other
gifts the three wise men considered, phrases you can use to describe a truck but not your girlfriend, odd things to hear from
a talking doll, what doctors really see when they look in your ears, the title for Drew Carey’s second book.
- Scene With An Audience Member: Colin & Ryan are in the old west, arguing
over Miss Kitty (audience member Marge the school teacher).
- Hats: World's Worst Dating Agency Video.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles?. Game: 90 Second Alphabet: Colin
& Drew try to talk old man Ryan out of his cave before a volcano erupts, starting on "Q". Wayne hosts. Credits:
Greg as a male stripper.
12.24 ("228")First Broadcast: February 17, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Out of spam. Colin - Cheese Man, Ryan - Random Acts
Of Violence Boy, Chip - Captain Limbo, Wayne - Captain Hugs-A-Lot.
- Title Sequence: Satan and the Schoolgirl. Wayne & Chip sing, Colin & Ryan act.
- Scenes From a Hat: Odd definitions found in Webster’s Dictionary, inappropriate
things to do with a loved one’s ashes, bad things to say to someone on their deathbed, things you don’t want to
see on your TV screen, prizes you’d like to find in your cereal box, bad songs to serenade her with, lines you should
not open a sermon with.
- Narrate: Gas station - Ryan & Colin.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Pizza Place - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Chip sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie & Ryan Stiles. Game:
90 Second Alphabet: At a zoo, tourist couple Colin & Drew rush up to zookeeper Ryan
to report that the animals are escaping, starting on "Q". Wayne hosts. Credits: Chip & Wayne
as two preachers haranguing the congregation about their many sins.
12.25 ("229")First Broadcast: February 24, 2000 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: Too too hot. Greg - Chocolate Bunny Man, Ryan - Mimics
Everyone Behind Their Back Boy, Colin - Captain Lounge Act, Wayne - Can’t Control His Legs Man.
- Sound Effects: A teenage boy goes on his first prom date. Colin acts,
Ryan SFX.
- Song Styles: Lydia the Geographer. Wayne (M.C. Hammer).
- The Millionaire Show: German version. Greg - host, Ryan - contestant
("Hors Caller"), Wayne - audience member ("Uncle Schmidt"), Colin - phone-a-friend (brother "Hogan").
Winner: Greg Proops. Game: Hoedown: You’re Ugly - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Greg hosts. Credits: Ryan &
Colin as two crotchety old men yelling at people to get off their property.
12.26 ("230")First Broadcast: March 2, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - in a 1960s beach movie,
Colin - Dr. Jekyll desperate not to turn into Mr. Hyde, Ryan - going through all stages of marriage with the
- Scene to Rap: The Towering Inferno.
- Props: Brad & Ryan - clear plastic icicle/3-D tree shape, Colin
& Wayne - red spheres with cone sticking out.
- Moving People: Superman (Ryan) is about to rescue Lois Lane (Colin)
from the cliff where she is hanging.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of Football - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winner: Brad Sherwood. Game: Questions Only:
In an office where rumors are circulating - Wayne, Colin, Drew & Ryan. Brad hosts. Credits:
Brad & Colin accepting their Oscar.
12.27 ("231")First Broadcast: March 9, 2000 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Greg - anchor "Twice Nightly". Colin (co-anchor)
- trigger-happy hunter, Wayne (sports presenter "Snump Ninkley") - illustrates his report through dance, Ryan
(weatherman) - gets his jacket caught in a moving ski lift.
- Song Styles: Amy & Christina the cross-country runners. Wayne (Backstreet Boys).
- Sound Effects: The only employee in a busy drive-thru fast-food place. Colin
acts, Ryan SFX.
- Number Of Words: Ryan (1 word) is a World War II submarine captain, Colin
(3 words) is the nervous first mate, and they are joined by Wayne (2 words), a lieutenant, who's discovered a German
stowaway, Greg (5 words).
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - experiencing violent fluctuations
in gravity, Colin - the history of warfare, Ryan - a vicious dog tied to a stake.
- Scene to Rap: Black Hole.
Wayne Brady. Game: Hoedown: Bachelor Party - Greg, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits: Greg &
Colin as two carnival barkers luring people into the sideshow.
12.28 ("217")First Broadcast: March 16, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Karen Maruyama, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: A soap opera set in a plastic surgeon's office.
- Song Styles: Chanel the Polynesian Dancer. Wayne (love song speeding up).
- Sound Effects: On the day before her wedding, Colin, an overweight bride-to-be,
realises she doesn't fit into her dress. Desperate, she goes to an exercise club. Ryan SFX.
- Newsflash: cowboys fighting dinosaurs. Karen & Ryan anchor, Colin
- Scenes From a Hat: Circus acts that didn't make it, what penguins are really
thinking, unlikely ways to impress women, bizarre ways to describe the taste of a wine, people you wouldn't want to meet at
a nudist colony, dangerous things to do while driving, strange causes to raise money for, things that would cause a Drew Carey
spit take.
- Motown Group: The Trash Taker-Outer Dance - Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
Winners: Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie & Karen Maruyama. Game:
Foreign Film Dub: "Sausage" in German. Drew & Karen act, Ryan & Colin translate,
Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan & Karen as a news team covering a live car chase.
12.29 ("232")First Broadcast: March 23, 2000 - IntroGreg Proops, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Greg - roommates from "The
Real World", Colin - soap opera doctor desperate not to lose another patient, Ryan - nervous old woman accidentally
boarding a roller coaster.
- Song Styles: Charlie the Maintenance Man. Wayne (TLC).
- Party Quirks: Greg hosts. Wayne - a bickering married couple, Colin
- a fish from birth to fish stick in 30 seconds, Ryan - his nipples are chained to the host's hands.
- Improbable Mission: The laundry (Emir of Groovefunkistan's burnoose). Greg
briefs, Colin & Ryan act.
Wayne Brady & Ryan Stiles. Game: Three-Headed Broadway Star: "My Banana, Your Banana" from "The Monkeys Attack" - Wayne, Drew & Ryan. Colin 'hosts'. Credits:
Ryan a passenger on a long flight, Colin is sitting next to him and won't shut up.
12.30 ("233")First Broadcast: March 30, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - frisky dog going rabid,
Colin - world's ugliest man looking for action, Ryan - Quasimodo determined to rescue Esmerelda.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Colin are two hikers on donkeys
and are at each other's throats after three days lost in Echo Valley. Mystery, Silent, After-School Special.
- Props: Brad & Ryan - blue note shape, Colin & Wayne - two
grey comb shapes.
- Newsflash: alligators. Colin & Brad anchor, Ryan reports.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Psychiatrist - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game:
World's Worst: nightclub act - Brad, Drew, Colin & Ryan. Wayne hosts. Credits:
Brad & Colin as two excitable reporters covering the arrivals at a big awards show.
12.31 ("234")First Broadcast: April 6, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Denny questions. Wayne - Jar Jar Binks, Colin
- disgruntled postal worker, Ryan - still hypnotized from last night's stage show.
- Sound Effects: A day in the life of a busy caveman. Colin acts, Ryan
- Props: Denny & Ryan - peach double-tombstone shape, Colin &
Wayne - two yellow curves shapes with jagged teeth.
- Moving People: While tracking some dangerous outlaws, Tonto (Ryan) and
The Lone Ranger (Colin) are ambushed by the outlaws.
- Hoedown: Bad Neighbors.
Ryan Stiles. Game: Helping Hands: Ryan (Colin's hands) is a Green
Beret teaching Drew how to survive in the wild and live off the land. Wayne hosts. Credits:
Colin & Wayne as two drill sergeants.
12.32 ("235")First Broadcast: April 20, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Karen Maruyama, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan is a WWII pilot saying goodbye to
his tearful girlfriend (Karen). Colin, his wounded co-pilot, promises to look after her. John Wayne, Gorilla
Theatre, Pokemon, Monster Movie.
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Les Miserables". Karen (co-anchor)
- frisky granny with a crush on Colin, Wayne (sports presenter "Winky") - inept fireman called to an emergency, Ryan
(weatherman "Stormy") - matador in a bullfight.
- Song Styles: Bob the Pastor. Wayne (TLC).
- Party Quirks: Karen hosts. Wayne - an episode of "Cops" in 30 seconds,
Colin - thinks Karen is a malfunctioning vending machine, Ryan - cat going through all nine lives.
- The Millionaire Show: 1930s Gangsters. Colin - host "Phebus Regin", Ryan
- contestant ("Bugsy Malone"), Karen - audience member (mother "Ma"), Wayne - phone-a-friend (the warden).
Winner: Karen Maruyama. Game: Hoedown: Scary Wives - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Karen hosts. Credits: Karen &
Wayne as two Whose Line fans waiting to meet the cast at the stage door.
12.33 ("214")First Broadcast: April 27, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Colin Themarines". Chip (co-anchor
"Smiley Dick") - high-energy game show host, Wayne (sports presenter "Wink Winkley") - sadistic marine drill sergeant,
Ryan (weatherman "Happy") - gets hit in the crotch with a football.
- Scene to Rap: Exorcist.
- Props: Ryan & Chip - yellow foam pom-poms, Colin & Wayne
- pink foam circles with poles.
- Newsflash: harem with bellydancers. Chip & Ryan anchor, Colin
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Doctor - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Chip sing.
Winners: Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady & Ryan Stiles. Game:
Questions Only: Desperate soldiers trapped behind enemy lines - Drew, Wayne, Colin & Ryan.
Chip hosts. Credits: Ryan & Chip as two square dance callers.
12.34 ("218")First Broadcast: April 27, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Let's Make A Date: Wayne questions. Brad - Dracula with an insatiable
appetite, Colin - desperate middle-aged housewife looking to spice up her life, Ryan - having a big fight with
his boyfriend backstage.
- Newsflash: elephant seals. Brad & Colin anchor, Ryan reports.
- Title Sequence: Hillary and Monica. Brad & Wayne sing, Colin & Ryan act.
- Whose Line: Ugly hunchback Quasimodo (Ryan) has just rescued and taken
to his bell-tower the beautiful French gypsy girl Esmerelda (Colin) as an angry mob forms outside.
- Scenes From a Hat: The secret double lives of Whose Line cast members, posts
you'll never see on a church bulletin board, America's least popular monuments, strange chants overheard while jumping rope,
what models say to each other as they pass on the runway, documentary subjects you'll never see.
Winner: Brad Sherwood. Game: Hoedown: Probation Officer - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Brad hosts. Credits: Everbody
as two neighbouring families arguing over the fence.
12.35 ("236")First Broadcast: May 4, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Brad - anchor "Chester Moistmuffins". Colin
(co-anchor "Lionel Hotbiscuits") - the world's most tactless man, Wayne (sports presenter "Sizzling Baconpan") - RuPaul,
Ryan (weatherman "Flaky Croissants") - has the hots for a different person every 10 seconds.
- Film Dub: "Planning a 5-year-old's birthday party" - Ryan, Colin & Brad.
- Questionable Impressions: on a freeway.
- Narrate: Barbershop - Ryan & Colin.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Plumber - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winners: Ryan Stiles & Colin Mochrie. Game:
90 Second Alphabet: Three roommates (Ryan, Colin & Drew) watching the lottery numbers come
on TV, starting on "X". Wayne hosts. Credits: Wayne & Ryan as two angry drivers stuck in
12.36 ("219")First Broadcast: May 4, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Superheroes: No more Rogaine. Colin - Captain Hair, Ryan - Totally
Insane Old Man, Chip - The Chippendale Kid, Wayne - Captain Frat Boy.
- Let's Make A Date: Chip questions. Wayne - possessed girl from
"The Exorcist", Colin - cantankerous snowman who is melting, Ryan - destructive toddler learning to walk and
- Duet: Funnel. Chip & Wayne (1940s Tap Dance).
- Whose Line: Davy Crockett (Colin) and Jim Bowie (Ryan) about to
make their last stand at the Alamo and Colin is losing his nerve.
- Scenes From a Hat: Bad game show concepts, things you never want to hear your
grandmother say, pickup lines in the fruit & vegetable aisle, personal ads that won't get many responses, people you'll
never see on the cover of Playboy, modern additions to the Ten Commandments, if dogs told jokes, favourite pranks of E.R.
Winner: Chip Esten. Game:
Props: Ryan & Drew - large white funnel, Wayne & Colin - large red lightbulbs.
Chip hosts. Credits: Colin as Captain Hair.
12.37 ("237")First Broadcast: May 11, 2000 - IntroBrad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Wayne are two lumberjacks clearing
a forest to make way for a new freeway, encountering a protestor (Colin) who has chained himself to a tree. Highschool
play, Xena, after-school special, mime, performance art.
- Film Dub: "Waiting for the call to action" - Ryan, Colin & Brad.
- Quick Change: The President (Ryan) is meeting with an army general (Brad)
in a crisis situation. Colin is the President's wife. Wayne calls change.
- Motown Group: Do the Lumberjack - Wayne, Ryan & Brad.
- If You Know What I Mean: Back to school - Brad, Colin & Ryan.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Wrestler - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne & Brad sing.
Winner: Wayne Brady. Game:
Props: Ryan & Drew - orange chicken feet, Brad & Colin - grey box with black tubes
through it. Wayne hosts. Credits: Ryan & Colin as two police officers on megaphones trying
to contain a crowd.
12.38 ("238")First Broadcast: May 18, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Denny Siegel, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Questions Only: Produce section of a supermarket on singles night.
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Ryan & Wayne are two guys in a sauna,
Colin, a mob hit-man, finally catches up with them. Science Fiction, game show, 70s hippie flick, cartoon, porno.
- Scenes From a Hat: Songs that kill the romance, things not to bring into the
bathtub, confusing battle cries, albums doomed to be flops, least likely to win the 2000 Presidential race, the stupidity
awards show, inopportune times to laugh hysterically.
- Old Job, New Job: Colin & Denny are getting married, Ryan is
the minister who used to be a New York cop.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Private Eye - Ryan & Colin introduce, Wayne sings.
Winner: Denny Siegel. Game: Hoedown: Game Show Hosts - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Denny hosts. Credits: Denny &
Colin as two parents who've had it with their kids.
12.39 ("239")First Broadcast: May 18, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Chip Esten, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Film, TV & Theater Styles: Colin & Ryan, who are stealing dinosaur
bones from an exhibit, are interrupted by the night watchman, Wayne. Chick flick, Keystone Cops, workout video, porn,
golf show.
- Duet: Katie the Hoagie Yoagie Worker. Chip & Wayne (Boy Band).
- Song Titles: At a beach party.
- Newsflash: Whose Line highlights of Colin Mochrie. Ryan & Chip anchor,
Colin reports.
- Hoedown: Plastic Surgery.
Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie & Wayne Brady. Game: Foreign Film Dub: "Out And
About" in Canadian. Drew & Wayne act, Ryan & Colin translate, Chip hosts. Credits:
Everybody as French Can-Can dancers.
Season 3 Episodes:
13.01 (Best of Whose Line is it Anyway?)First Broadcast: October 4, 2000 (Running Time: 60
minutes) - IntroRyan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady, Brad Sherwood, Chip Esten, Greg Proops (with Kathy
Greenwood, Josie Lawrence, Karen Maruyama and Denny Siegel) Drew introduces the best scenes from the previous series, plus
unseen footage and outtakes.
- Title Sequence: Hillary and Monica (extended). Brad & Wayne sing, Colin & Ryan
act. (12.34)
- Scenes From a Hat: Ryan, Chip, Colin, Wayne, Brad - Bad things to say
to someone on their deathbed (12.24), celebrity endorsements doomed to fail (12.02), secret double lives of Whose Line cast members (12.34), phrases you can use to describe your truck but not your girlfriend (12.23), unlikely ways to impress women (12.28), rejected Jeopardy categories (12.05), bad parental motivational speeches (12.17)
- Whose Line: Davy Crockett (Colin) and Jim Bowie (Ryan) about to
make their last stand at the Alamo and Colin is losing his nerve (12.36)
- Song Styles: Derek the Diesel Guy. Wayne & Chip (Village People) (12.12)
- Bloopers:
- Props: Ryan & Colin - long grey foam Ls, as handcuffs, prop springs
up and hits Colin (12.11)
- Newsflash: Ryan & Greg anchor, Drew gets Ryan's name wrong (12.10)
- Whose Line: William Wallace (Colin) and fellow warrior Ryan, Colin
spits while doing the accent (12.19)
- Let's Make A Date: Brad - Dracula, Colin - middle-aged housewife.
Brad drools and Colin wipes it off (12.34)
- Stand, Sit, Lie: Tattoo parlor/camping, Drew reads the wrong description (12.01)
- Let's Make A Date: Ryan - King Kong, picks up Colin and grabs
his behind (12.07)
- Drew Link: A stagehand collects his mug.
- World's Worst: thing to say at a major awards ceremony, Drew trips over
- Drew Link: Stagehands carry a bench in front of him.
- Greatest Hits: Songs of the Wrestler - Colin messes up intro (12.37)
- African Chant: Chris the Visual Effects designer - Drew calls Africa a country
- Scenes From a Hat: The title of Drew Carey's second book, Greg sends
up Africa mistake (12.23)
- Party Quirks: Chip hosts. Wayne - early movie footage of King
Kong vs. Godzilla (feat. Melissa's underwear), Colin - has a personal vendetta against the neighbors downstairs, Ryan
- series of crunching football tackles in slow motion (12.12)
- Hoedown: Cop Shows (Ryan's verse about Melissa, 12.12)
- Hoedown: Censorship (Ryan sings about Melissa)
- Hoedown: Traffic (Ryan sings about Melissa)
- Things Kept In:
- Narrate: Burger joint - Ryan & Colin, the kiss (12.22)
- Weird Newscasters: Colin (co-anchor "Carl Turkeybaster") - has chosen
this moment to become a nudist. Anchor Brad tries to cover him whilst weatherman Ryan uses him as a pointer
- Song Styles: Lee the Lunch Lady. Wayne (Strip-o-gram) (12.22)
- Shots At Colin:
- Newsflash: desert nuclear war. Ryan & Greg anchor, Colin reports.
Ryan hair joke, "Stick boy" (12.10)
- Hats: Greg in bald cap (12.23)
- Narrate: Barbershop - Ryan & Colin (12.35)
- Newsflash: Whose Line highlights of Colin Mochrie. Ryan & Chip anchor,
Colin reports (12.39)
- Shots At Drew:
- Foreign Film Dub: "Bikini Jones" in Swedish. Ryan translating for Drew
- Weird Newscasters: Wayne (sports presenter "Flappy") - Drew's no. 1 teenage
fan (12.05)
- Scenes From a Hat: strange causes to raise money for - Ryan ("Get Drew
Carey a third show!") (12.28)
- Scenes From a Hat: naked photos you wouldn't want to see on the internet - Ryan
- Superheroes: Tight underwear. Wayne - Cowboy Stunt Rider. (12.14)
- Hoedown: Gambling - Ryan's verse (12.06)
- Uncensored Moments:
- Song Titles: At a beach party (12.39)
- Scenes From a Hat: what Santa left under Bill Clinton's tree - Brad, Ryan.
- Props: Ryan & Colin - large blue unicorn horns (12.16)
- Scenes From a Hat: unwelcome dishes at a church potluck dinner - Colin.
- Props: Ryan & Colin - brown poles joined by strips (ladder) (12.14)
- Scenes From a Hat: world's worst way to begin the State of the Union address
- Ryan.
- Props: Ryan & Chip - pink water bottles on string (12.12)
- Drew Game Link: Wayne sitting at the desk comments on the chair's warmth.
- Hats: Ryan, Wayne & Colin
- Props: Ryan - foam hand shape, uses it to give Drew the finger (12.20)
- Hoedown: Halloween - Ryan (12.22)
- Three-Headed Broadway Star: "You've Got Sole" from "My Favorite Shoe" - Wayne, Drew & Ryan (12.10)
Credits: Clips to the
tune of "Burning Love"
13.02 ("302")First Broadcast: October 12, 2000 - IntroWayne Brady, Kathy Greenwood, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles
- Weird Newscasters: Colin - anchor "Hors Jarodeinon". Kathy (co-anchor
"Sarah Bellum") - Colin's nagging overbearing wife, Wayne (sports presenter "Abdullah Oblongata") - the munchkins from
"The Wizard of Oz", Ryan (weatherman "Lee Bido") - shows why he is known as Mr. Sexual Harrassment.
- Song Styles: Maureen the Editor of Teen Style magazine. Wayne (Sisqo).
- Scenes From a Hat: Bad things to do during an earthquake, graffiti found in
the White House restroom, rejected names for bras, unfortunate wedding-night confessions, inappropriate compliments to give
your mother, what Drew Carey's thinking right now.
- What Are You Trying To Say?: Colin is being fitted for a suit by Ryan.
- Party Quirks: Kathy hosts. Wayne - island tribal chief and his
interpreter, Colin - thinks people's butts are sandwiches, Ryan - drag queen sporting a major attitude.
Winner: Kathy Greenwood. Game: Irish Drinking Song: Drew Carey - Wayne, Drew, Colin, Ryan. Kathy hosts. Credits: Colin & Kathy as
a director and spoiled star.
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